Nourishing Nachos
About the recipe
These are the best nachos I personally have ever tried, they are so easy, quick and healthy you would want them every night. Organic chips are used instead of doritos but trust me when I tell you this, the organic chips taste way better with the nachos than the doritos and they are way lower in sodium. Keep on reading to find out the method.
- Spinach
- Tomatoes
- Cucumber
- Shredded cheese
- 1 can black beans
- 1 can diced tomatoes
- 1 can corn
- 1 sachet of taco spice mix (optinal)
- 500g mince meat
- Organic corn chips
- Place your raw meat into a non-stick pan and start breaking it up with a spatula so you get fine pieces of mince meat. If you do not have a non-stick pan use a little bit of olive oil to grease the pan.
- Let the mince meat cook on the stove top until the mince is all brown, you might have to drain the mince meat half way through to get the excess fats out.
- Add your diced tomatoes, corn and any other toppings you would like to the mince meat. I like to add a taco spice mix packet to give it a little more flavour, you can find these in any supermarket in the taco shells, enchilada and wraps aisle. Some of the ingredients you can add are black beans, diced brown onions or even chick peas which is high in protein.
- Chop up your cucumber and tomatoes and rip up the spinach with your hands but make sure they are clean. Chuck all the veggies and salad into a bowl, mix and set aside.
- Lay out a handful of corn chips (just enough to cover the bottom of the plate) and sprinkle cheese on top.
- Place the plate with corn chips and cheese into the microwave and microwave on high for 30 seconds or until cheese is melted enough.
- Place the meat mixture onto the corn chips first and then the salad mix, top of with toppings of your choice, I like homemade quacamole and sweet chilli sauce but you can add sour cream or anything else.